Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20 Status Update

So, I haven't done a recap post in a while with pertinent info about my health stuff. Here's a quick update about where I'm at right now.

Rituals: I've been able, little by little, to start pushing back against my rituals. They start around 4pm in the afternoon, but I've been working on pushing that back. Yesterday I stayed out of the house 'til 4:06! I know that sounds like baby steps but any progress is good. There are a lot of "avoided activities" that I have. But, I am able to cook and clean for myself again, and I am going to work. For some reason, my OCD also made me feel afraid to eat certain foods, but I'm incorporating lots of new stuff into my diet and am eating more.

Medication: (Big knock on wood here) It seems like we've found a good combination of meds for me. I'm on a higher dose of an SSRI called Zoloft, and another drug that amplifies the SSRI called Seroquel XR. The crying jags seem to have stopped.

Complications: The new meds that I'm on are supposed to make me hungry, and they do. I'm pretty OK with this side effect, and I'm trying to eat as much as possible. I've also noticed some uncontrolled muscle movements in my legs (small muscle jerks) that I need to speak with my doctor about.

Treatment:  I'm going to start working with AustinOCD. I'm very hopeful about working with the people there, although I'm also nervous, because it will be hard work. Thankfully, my insurance will cover part of the cost, and my parents are going to help out.

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