Tuesday, April 10, 2012


As of yesterday, I've been on my own for a week. Mom left last Monday, and it's good to be self-sufficient again. Even though my rituals still keep me very limited, I don't feel like the helpless lump that I was about a month ago. There's quite a lot I want to write about in this post, and I think the content would be best facilitated by creating some lists.

I've accomplished some new (and exciting!) progress working against my OCD rituals. In the past week or so, I've achieved the following:

  • Staying out of the house until 4:16
  • Beginning to work on my dissertation again
  • Eating more sweets (my OCD objected to candy, unfortunately)
  • Completely taking care of myself, without help from Mom or Dad
  • Feeling more comfortable putting effort into my appearance (wearing the clothes/jewelry/makeup that I want to)
Additionally, friends and family have offered tons of support. Did you know that my friends make up a small army of super-caring, ultra-generous, swift-acting, helper-people? Things I've received (whether tangible or intangible) include: 
  • Tons of hugs, good thoughts, emails, calls, etc.
  • Incredibly thoughtful cards from Kerry, Amanda, Stephanie, Lauren, Meg, Pamela and Nikki (seriously, I teared up when reading these)
  • A gift from my Etsy wish list, courtesy of Lauren, that I'm anticipating with bated breath
  • Coloring books (!!) from Meg
  • Steven has offered Alaskan salmon that he caught
  • A puzzle from Tekla
  • Awesome lunch dates with Dustin, Stephanie, Amanda, and many more upcoming plans on my calendar to look forward to
Now that I'm more open about my OCD, many acquaintances and co-workers inquire about my improvement. My standard response usually alludes to how surreal things have felt, but I've been telling so many people how lucky I am to have such loving friends in my life. I, truly, would not be in such good shape and making such swift progress if it weren't for all of you. 


  1. Sarah, I'm really glad that you are doing better and making progress. That's an impressive list! I know it's hard work.

    Good friends are a true blessing, and it sounds like you are surrounded by such blessings. Wonderful! That certainly makes the journey less lonely, doesn't it?

  2. That's awesome! You sound like you are really fighting your way to health. I know it's not easy but you're doing a great job. It sure is awesome to be surrounded by kind people. I'm really glad you have them in your life.

  3. I really love reading about peoples successes. OCD has robbed me of peace of mind, time, etc. but like you I have alot of people who support and love me and that is truly golden.

    1. I'm so glad hearing about others' successes helps you. It actually helps me, too, to write about them. Whenever I'm feeling down I remind myself of all the things I've accomplished. It's so good to have support - I would not be where I am today without my friends and loved ones, for sure.
